
Keep your Alby Hub up to date for the latest and greatest features. Don't worry, it's super easy!

We will be learning how to update your Alby Hub to ensure you have the latest features and security improvements. By doing this, you are taking control of your digital tools and enhancing your self-sovereignty. Let's get started!

1 . How to Update 2 . Choose your Alby Hub specific flavor 3 . Congratulations!

1. How to Update 🚀

When an Alby Hub update becomes available you'll be notified directly in the hub. How to update depends on how you run Alby Hub. Please select your specific flavor of Alby Hub from the submenu.

Before you Update

Please note the following before you update your hub.

  • Make sure you have backed up your Alby Hub recovery phrase

  • Make sure you have your Alby Hub password also saved up

  • Update might take a few minutes

  • Unlock is required after the update (You unlock by simply login-in).

Important Reminder ⚠️

There is no recovery email for your password. If you lose it, it cannot be recovered. You are self-sovereign and self-responsible. We do not keep or store any passwords, nor can we recover them. Self-custodial means it is your own private space.

2. Choose your Alby Hub specific flavor 🍕

Find the perfect version of Alby Hub that you are running that fits your specific needs and apply its unique update!

It is recommended to do regular updates🔄, as Alby developers are improving it every week.✨

Alby Cloud

Other Cloud Options

Desktop Application


Raspberry Pi running Alby Hub

From time to time, go to the terminal on the same computer you used to install the self-hosted Alby hub. Copy and paste the following command into your terminal, then hit "Enter."

ssh albyhub@albyhub.local '/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://getalby.com/zero/update.sh)"'
Node Distributions (Umbrel/Start9/MyNode)

Manual installation (Ubuntu)

💡 What Does It Mean for Alby to Be an Open Source Company?

Being an open source company means that our software is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This fosters transparency, security, and innovation. By offering multiple update and self-hosted options, we empower you with control and flexibility, benefiting both you and the broader community. Open source is good for the world as it promotes collaboration and accelerates technological advancement.

3. Congratulations! 🎉

Your Alby Hub is Updated and Ready to Go! 🚀

You have successfully updated your Alby Hub! However, your Alby Hub will be locked and inaccessible from connected apps. Payments will not work until you unlock your hub. You need to unlock it after the update. Here are the final steps to get everything back up and running After updating:

After Updating

Unlocking your Alby Hub is simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit Your Hub URL: Go to the URL of your Alby Hub.

  2. Enter Your Unlock Password: Log in with your unlock password to launch Alby Hub and re-enable your wallet.

Great job on completing the update!⭐You now know how to update your own flavour of Alby Hub and it is ready to use. 🎈

Thank you for stopping by! This section was made by contributions of Roland and Jean-Paul Last updated on July 2024.

Last updated


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